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Partial Dentures Match The Color, Shape, And Size Of Natural Teeth 

If you have several missing teeth, you probably experience difficulty chewing, speaking, or smiling. Fortunately, there is a simple solution: partial dentures. At Best Value Dentures and Implants in Tampa, FL, Dr. Shah can provide you with high-quality, comfortable partial dentures to restore your smile and improve your quality of life. 

Keep Your Remaining Natural Teeth 

Unlike full dentures, which replace all the teeth in your upper or lower jaw at one time, partial dentures are designed to replace only the missing teeth, while allowing you to keep your remaining natural ones. This is important because your natural teeth help support your facial structure, and they also play a critical role in your ability to chew and speak properly. By preserving your natural teeth, partial dentures can help maintain your oral health and overall well-being. 

Partial Dentures: Types, Advantages, and Candidacy Requirements

What Do Partial Dentures Offer? 

Partial dentures are made up of one or more artificial teeth that are attached to an acrylic or metal framework. The framework is designed to fit snugly around your remaining teeth and gums, and it is held in place by clasps or other attachments. Partial dentures offer a range of benefits, including: 

  • Improved Appearance:Partial dentures are custom-made to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth, so they blend in seamlessly with your smile.

  • Enhanced Comfort:Partial dentures are designed to be comfortable to wear, and they can improve your ability to chew and speak with confidence.

  • Affordable Option: Compared to other tooth replacement options, partial dentures are a more cost-effective solution for those on a budget.

Adjusting to Partial Dentures 

Getting used to partial dentures may take a little time, but with patience and practice, you can learn to wear them comfortably and confidently. Here are some tips to help you get used to your new partials: 

Start Slowly: Begin by wearing your partial dentures for short periods of time, gradually increasing the amount of time each day. 

Practice Speaking: Practice speaking out loud with your new partial dentures in, and read aloud to help improve your speech. 

Stick to Soft Foods: Start by eating soft foods and gradually reintroduce smaller bites of harder foods as you become more comfortable with your partial dentures. 

Schedule Your Consultation

 If you are missing several teeth and considering partial dentures, schedule a consultation with Dr. Shah at Best Value Dentures and Implants in Tampa, FL. During your exam, Dr. Shah will evaluate your oral health, discuss your options, and help you choose the best solution for your needs and budget. With our state-of-the-art facilities and friendly, experienced staff, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality care and personalized attention you deserve. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!

We are proud to call Tampa home, and happily provide the best quality dental work that Tampa has to offer. At Best Value Dentures and Implants, we are happy to help with any dental questions you might have. 

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